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African Big Bang translates a part of the revolutionary fight of our people, who believed in a better world. So... now we need a delivery that. 

Ikigai is a way to beginning.

ikigai (reason to live)

¨Foco¨ is a digital album from MORAEZ.  A great Brazilian artist, musician, poet, a philosopher that I have the opportunity to live, make and share!


"Dum Diversas" is the call of the souls thrown into the sea that reached the universe in the form of lights to continue guiding their peoples
for real freedom, that has been denied them for so long in favor of an alleged "much greater". No act will be forgotten;
we will tell the stories of those who stood up against the whip and the cross and we will demystify the false prophets who in the name of
a God was able to sacrifice millions of human beings. "Dum Diversas" is an act of demonstration in favor of a forgotten justice,
of a balance that can never be balanced again, but that can and must be dismantled, so, then we can understand
your past, apply it to our present, ensuring that in the future the balance is closer to its perfect balance. 


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